Coffee calculator

Coffee Calculator

Here, you will find a humble calculator to make it easier to brew coffee using a pour over method. My method/recipe was created based only into a lot of experimentation with different coffees, it relate to my own preferences and to empathize the fruity notes on coffee, i like it in 1:15. Please think about it only as this, a reference, you should experiment and seek for your own preferences. If you have any questions or tips, please let me know on the contact section.

I got a question about temperature, i think it depends on the coffee roast (the lighter the roast the hotter i go) My default is 93°c, and about total brewing time, it depends on the dosage and ratio, humidity and coffee, but normally it takes about 3-3.5 minutes, try to not go over 4 mins.

I also added the famous 4:6 method by Tetsu Kasuya, i think it was a huge inspiration for me into testing different parameters.

I added a bookmark to the homepage of my phone to have this at hand when i need it, maybe it may be useful for you too.

Consider all numbers as a reference, since they can vary depending on the bean type, the humidity of them (related also with the roasting date) and many other variables that can affect the results. So its more like a starting point to experiment more than a precise recipe.